Innovation to Change Climate History Exists Today

The technology is here, and the time is now. We can reduce carbon emissions in buildings and transport.

Large city  view of many buildings

Changing the course of the planet’s climate history may sound far-fetched or simply too enormous to tackle. But we see pathways to a more sustainable future, and it starts with technology that exists right now – like the electrification of heating and refrigerated transport, thermal storage and connected solutions.

Bending the curve on climate change in the next decade requires bold and urgent action, now. Including, the immediate adoption of policies that encourage businesses and consumers to transition to sustainable technologies, and greater levels of collaboration across governments, industry and NGOs.

I remain optimistic about the future. If Trane Technologies, as one company, can reduce emissions by one billion metric tons by 2030 with our Gigaton Challenge – equivalent to 2% of the world’s annual emissions - imagine what we can do if we all work together.

Dave Regnery, Chief Executive Officer

Dave Regnery explains that the technology needed to reduce carbon emissions in buildings and transport exists today.

Hi, I'm Dave Regnery and I have the great privilege of serving as Chief Executive Officer of Trane Technologies. I'm here today to talk with you about how we can change the course of climate change through innovation. Our climate crisis is something that we must solve together through commitments like net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. We cannot afford to downplay the urgency or pretend the problem isn't a problem. For those that don't know me, I want you to know I'm a very positive individual to me the glass is always half full. So I'm here to share some great news about how we can reduce carbon emissions right now, today with existing technologies even as we innovate for the future. At Trane Technologies we realized years ago that we had to take bold actions on climate change. We decided to reimagine the way our industry works by changing our industry, changed the world. As a climate innovator in heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and refrigeration for homes, buildings, and transport we knew that we could have a big impact on carbon emissions. How big? Well, considering about 15 percent of the world's carbon emission comes from heating and cooling buildings and another 10 percent of emissions comes from food that's lost or wasted that's a lot of carbon we can reduce. That's why we made it our company's purpose to challenge what's possible for a sustainable world. It's that purpose that drives our thousands of people around the world and our 2030 sustainability commitments including our goal to cut our customer's emissions by one gigaton or two percent of the world's annual emissions. As ambitious as these goals are I'm confident that we could reach them, I'm confident because we're already accelerating progress through existing technologies like electrification, thermal storage, and connected solutions. For example, in Europe, we are helping large commercial and industrial buildings significantly reduce their energy use and emissions by combining heating and cooling into one system. This fully electric system recovers and repurposes heat and is 350 percent more efficient than most gas boilers and when drawn from a green grid this is a zero-emission solution. Not far from COP26 talks in Glasgow Scottish Water Horizons is using this technology to reduce their emissions by 308 metric tons annually and displace 140,000 liters of natural gas per year. And here's another great case; a Dutch data center we're working with that recovers their wasted heat and directs it to heat a local school. The closed-loop system then returns the cool water back to the data center to offset its cooling load, and to top it off the system that pumps the water is solar-powered. We're also helping buildings apply technologies like thermal storage to reduce demand off the energy grid and active connected controls to create highly efficient smart buildings. Let me also point to a few real-world stories where we're reducing emissions for refrigerated trucks and trailers while reducing food loss. Last year we introduced a line of trailers called Advancer that reduces carbon emissions by 30 percent and we're working with customers like Mercedes-Benz which is installing our fully electric refrigerated solutions on its eSprinter delivery vans. To accelerate solutions like these we've committed to deliver fully electric products in every segment of our cold chain portfolio by 2023 in EMEA and 2025 in the Americas. We're always innovating at Trane Technologies but my point to you today is this: we don't have to wait for new innovations to start bending the curve on climate change. We can bend the curve now by adopting policies that encourage businesses and consumers to transition to sustainable technologies, collaborating closely with governments, industry, and NGOs to make these technologies affordable and accessible, and most importantly not waiting. We need to act now and we need to act boldly. I hope you will join us. Thank you.

Thought Leaders

Dave Regnery

Chair and CEO, Trane Technologies

Scott Tew

Vice President, Sustainability and Managing Director, Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, Trane Technologies

Carrie Ruddy

Senior Vice President and Chief Communications and Marketing Officer

Mairéad Magner

Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, Trane Technologies

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Donny Simmons

Group President, Americas, Trane Technologies

Deidra Parrish Williams

Global Corporate Citizenship Leader, Trane Technologies

Jose La Loggia

Jose La Loggia, Group President, EMEA

Holly Paeper

President, Commercial HVAC Americas, Trane Technologies

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Chris Kuehn

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Trane Technologies

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Riaz Raihan

Senior Vice President and Chief Digital Officer

Paul Camuti

Former Executive Vice President and Chief Technology and Sustainability Officer, Trane Technologies

Oakley Roberts

Vice President of Product Management, Trane Technologies

Emily Vesling

Director of Sustainability, Trane Technologies

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